Monday, 28 March 2011

Good news for Coaches & Therapists [quick video]

Over the last 5 months I've been running my longest online survey asking
my loyal clients what your biggest goals are, and what help you'd like.

The loftiest goal [by an overwhelming majority] is financial security -
and that couldn't be at a more relevant time with the budget just announced!
Rather than the doom and gloom propaganda that gets pumped into your brain
every day, I've got some good news for a change.

As an ex-Financial Adviser turned self-employed business owner, I want to
help you towards that goal. So I've put together a quick 14 minute video
with a powerful exercise in it that makes you money.

Plus I ask a big question at the end, and I'd love to hear your opinion.
You can see the video here

Thanks in advance, and let me know what you think


P.S. That page again

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