Monday 30 June 2008

Tell Me Exactly What You Can Do For People

When people ask what you do, what do you tell them? You probably launch into a long story about what Coaching is, or the history of your method of therapy. And if you listen carefully you can hear them snoring…

Either that or you’re just too wishy washy. “I help people feel better” or “I can help you fulfil your potential”. Uh…ok.

What that question really translates into is “I have this horrible problem and I want to know if you can take it away!” They need to know specifically what problems you deal with and when you can take it off their hands. Start to think about what problems are they having right now? What’s stressing them out right now?

Action Step
Write down 9 things you know you can do for people. 9 results, benefits, problems you can solve for them, situations you can help them get out of.

At we have articles galore on how to “laser” your language so prospects instantly “get” what it is that you do.

Coming Up Next
Why running your Practice should never be JUST about the money.

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